AR: Atomic and Molecular Physics
1 session
Atomic and molecular physics with keV-MeV ion beams; Applications of electron-ion collisions in atomic and nuclear physics and astrophysics; Fundamental processing in atomic physics; Fundamental processes in molecular collisions; Strong field physics at accelerators and storage rings.
AR-AMP-01 Atomic Collisions: Fundamental Processes & Applications Trinity Central Jul 25, 10:00
AR: Ion Enhanced Synthesis and Modification
4 sessions
Surface modification of materials with ion beams; chemical doping by ion implantation; ion enhanced synthesis of new and novel materials
AR-ISM-01 Special Topics on Ion Enhanced Synthesis and Modification West Fork II Jul 25, 15:00
AR-ISM-02 Synthesis and Modification of Metal-Halide inspired Materials Elm Fork I Jul 22, 15:00
AR-ISM-04 Mechanical Properties of Ion-Irradiated Complex Alloys Elm Fork I Jul 23, 10:00
AR-ISM-05 Ionization Enhanced Synthesis, Modifications and Analysis Elm Fork I Jul 23, 15:00
AR: Nuclear Physics
8 sessions
New nuclear physics facilities and initiatives; Nuclear physics; Reactions on unstable nuclei; Reactor neutrinos; High energy density physics; Beam development for nuclear physics and isotope production; Physics at RHIC and JLAB; nuclear astrophysics. Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning Advancements.
AR-NP-05 Artificial Intelligence -Machine Learning Advancements and Applications, I West Fork I Jul 25, 13:00
AR-NP-06 Artificial Intelligence -Machine Learning Advancements and Applications, II West Fork I Jul 26, 09:30
AR-NP-07 Artificial Intelligence -Machine Learning Advancements and Applications, III West Fork I Jul 25, 15:00
AR-NP-09 Neutron and Fundamental Symmetries, I West Fork I Jul 22, 13:00
AR-NP-10 Neutron and Fundamental Symmetries, II West Fork I Jul 23, 10:00
AR-NP-11 Nuclear Astrophysics, I West Fork I Jul 24, 10:00
AR-NP-12 Nuclear Astrophysics, II West Fork I Jul 24, 13:00
AR-NP-13 Precision Measurements, Amo-Nuclear Techniques, I West Fork I Jul 23, 15:00
AR: Nanoscience and Technology
5 sessions
New and novel nanoscience and applications using ion sources and accelerator beams: nanomechanics, nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, 1D and 2D material synthesis
AR-NST-01 Nanoscale Pattern Formation Produced by Ion Bombardment of Solid Surfaces I Elm Fork II Jul 22, 15:00
AR-NST-02 Nanoscale Pattern Formation Produced by Ion Bombardment of Solid Surfaces II Elm Fork II Jul 23, 15:00
AR-NST-04 Surface Science with Charged Particle Beams West Fork II Jul 22, 10:00
AR-NST-05 Quantum Information Sciences West Fork II Jul 23, 10:00
AR-NST-06 Focused Ion Beams West Fork II Jul 24, 13:00
AR: Radiation Effects
10 sessions
Fundamentals of radiation damage by ions, neutrons and electrons; radiolysis by ionizing radiation generated by accelerators; emulation of radiation effects in nuclear reactors and space environments. Radiation effects in chemical and biological systems not covered by AP
AR-RE-01 Irradiation Effects in Semiconductor and Applications Elm Fork I Jul 23, 13:00
AR-RE-02 Irradiation Effects in Low-Dimensional Materials and Thin Films Elm Fork I Jul 25, 10:00
AR-RE-03 Irradiation Effects in Ceramics Elm Fork I Jul 24, 10:00
AR-RE-04 Combination of Irradiation + Stress + Corrosion, I Elm Fork I Jul 24, 13:00
AR-RE-05 Combination of Irradiation + Stress + Corrosion, II Elm Fork I Jul 26, 09:30
AR-RE-06 Irradiation Effects in the Nuclear Extremes, I Elm Fork I Jul 22, 13:00
AR-RE-07 Irradiation Effects in the Nuclear Extremes, II Elm Fork I Jul 22, 10:00
AR-RE-08 Radiation Effects in Nuclear Materials Elm Fork I Jul 25, 13:00
AR-RE-09 Radiation Effects in Chemical and Biological Systems. Elm Fork I Jul 25, 15:00
AR-RE-10 Irradiation Effects in the Nuclear Extremes, III Elm Fork II Jul 23, 10:00